Accidents caused by swimming: When the people in difficulties lifeguard to protect

The summer season is a dangerous time for swimming lovers, but also for children unattended by their parents around the water.

Accidents caused by swimming can have serious health consequences, many of them resulting in permanent sequelae or multiple physical disabilities due to severe trauma.

The seas, oceans or lakes where people swim during the summer are dangerous environments, in which many people damage their health. For this reason, the prevention of swimming accidents should be a priority for all those who practice this type of movement with the lifeguard certification near me.

The most common swimming accidents

A recent study conducted by a team of researchers  USA, suggests that the injuries that swimmers choose are much more frequent and more serious than previously thought. People look superficially at the power of water, although it presents major risks of injury, even at shallow depths.

The American study found that, in the last 3 summers, more than 1,100 injuries caused by the raging waters of the ocean were reported to emergency services in Delaware. The wounds with which the patients presented vary from trivial sprains or bone fractures, to serious organic trauma and cervical spine fractures.

Accidents generally occur due to strong waves, even at a water depth of only half a meter. Around 5% of the cases registered in the case of the study refer to serious injuries of the neck and spine, the patients being left with a series of complex and dangerous sequelae, which completely changed their lives.

Other American statistics regarding swimming accidents convey worrying data

- in the USA, 9 people die every day from swimming accidents.

- swimming is the second accidental cause of death among children aged between 1 and 14 years.

- the drowning rate of male children is twice as high as that of female children.

- children aged 1-4 drown most frequently in residential swimming pools.

- drowning not followed by death can cause brain damage resulting in permanent disabilities, such as memory disorders, learning difficulties and the loss of other basic mental abilities.

- drowning deaths generally occur among young people, 64% are under 30 years old and 26% under 5 years old.

Prevention of swimming accidents

Drowning is the state of suffocation caused by the aspiration of liquids that flood the respiratory system and induce death in a short time. The process also includes an interruption of blood oxygenation, which leads to the accumulation of excess carbon dioxide. Following the direct inhalation of water, the body temperature drops, stomach distension, body tremors, muscle pain, nausea and vomiting appear. The listed symptoms are felt shortly before the fatal drowning. If the person survives, he remains susceptible to a heart attack.

Drinking alcohol before swimming is a very common cause of drowning, therefore it is recommended to avoid alcoholic drinks before any aquatic activity. The prevention of swimming accidents requires taking measures to remove the danger of water aggression on the body, at all ages

- children must not be left unattended in the water or in the vicinity of the water, not even in the bathtub;

- for recreational swimming, it is recommended to visit beaches and units with swimming pools supervised by lifeguards.

- a mistake that can be fatal is ignoring the warnings of lifeguards regarding swimming conditions (strong waves, sudden change of weather, water depth, etc.).

- swimming must be performed only in places specially arranged and supervised by qualified personnel.

- swimming is to be avoided in rivers, lakes, irrigation canals or other undeveloped watercourses, where the banks are steep and the currents are very strong.

- special equipment for swimming safety (lifebuoys, inflatable fins, inflatable tubes, etc.) are not 100% effective, therefore their use by children needs without exception the supervision of an adult.

- surrounding the personal pool with a fence can prevent unwanted accidents among minors.

- the wearing of life jackets by adults who do not know how to swim and by children is an effective method of preventing water accidents.


The lifeguard  in case of drowning consists in requesting qualified help, removing the victim from the water and performing cardio-respiratory resuscitation maneuvers until he regains consciousness or until the arrival of the medical team of lifeguard certificate near me.

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