Swimming is a great way to work your whole body and cardiovascular system. An hour of swimming burns almost as many calories as running, without the heavy impact on bones and joints.

Swimming and lifeguard is the only sport that can be practiced by any person and at any age, starting from the age of 3 months to the very old, including pregnant women.

History of swimming

The spread of swimming in the world is influenced by human concerns, geographical conditions and climatic conditions. Very good swimmers were in the African tribes that lived on the shores of the lakes, and the Polynesians are the ones from whom the crawling technique and the art of surfing originated. Among some peoples, such as the pre-Columbian American Indians, swimming was known and practiced routinely, being present even in religious ceremonies.

In the year 745 AD by an edict public bathing was forbidden, and even the prohibition of contact with water, bathing, body hygiene were considered immoral, "waste of time". This conception lasted for several hundred years and only with the development of the idea of ​​chivalry was the importance of knowing how to swim recognized in order to overcome natural obstacles, (swimming being found among the seven chivalric virtues - fighting, riding, swimming, wielding weapons, throwing, life of the court and the tournament). The appearance of heavy armor in the equipment of knights led to the abandonment of learning to swim. Read here lifeguard recertification near me to know about the American Lifeguard Association that gives you authentic information .  

In the 15th-18th centuries, with the development of Renaissance ideas, a significant progress was registered regarding the practice of swimming for hygienic, practical and recreational purposes.

Swimming categories


swimming Recreational or leisure swimming is practiced in various designed or natural recreational areas where the presence of a swimming pool, running water, lake or sea, offers this possibility of practice. The purpose of practicing recreational swimming is recreational, for the satisfactions with lifeguard  that contact with water gives people, as well as the satisfaction of moving in this less common environment. Practicing recreational swimming is associated with the beach and with various sports activities (volleyball, football, etc.).


swimming Applicative or utilitarian swimming is used in work activities related to the aquatic environment and in those of lifeguarding, rescue from drowning.

In the work of sailors, divers, fishermen, bridge and dam builders, ship builders, swimming is vital for saving life in case of accidents.

Within the applicative swimming, various competitions are also organized, especially those for rescue from drowning.

It is assumed that the breast stroke is the oldest method of swimming practiced for utilitarian purposes. There is evidence from the ancient Egyptians that other styles of swimming were also practiced for utilitarian purposes.

Therapeutic swimming

It is used for the purpose of neuro-motor recovery, in the treatment of nervous, cardio-vascular, respiratory conditions, etc., its use being made on the recommendation of doctors. Swimming and forms of hydrotherapy can also be used as essential means in relaxing and restoring psycho-physical potential following the efforts made by performance athletes.

Therapeutic swimming is practiced in specially built pools with heated water, but it can also be practiced outdoors or in open water.

The benefits of swimming

A float is a simple device that helps in learning to swim.

Swimming is the most efficient sport in terms of the ratio between the effort made and the calories burned. Swimming helps a lot for the health of people with circulation or spine problems. Swimming is also recommended for pregnant women, as this sport helps to straighten the abdominal muscles and shoulders, areas that are very stressed on a pregnant woman's body. Exercising in water can also reduce wrist pain, high blood pressure and discomfort associated with pregnancy. Other benefits of swimming are:

  • increases cardio-pulmonary resistance;
  • stimulates blood circulation;
  • contributes to maintaining a stable blood pressure;
  • reduces the risk of cardiovascular diseases;
  • develops most muscle groups (more than two thirds of the entire muscle mass);
  • strengthens the joint ligaments, preventing possible injuries;
  • improves body posture;
  • develops flexibility;
  • generates positive, well-being;
  • helps improve anxiety states and relieves symptoms of depression;
  • relaxes muscles after the stress of a tiring day;
  • stimulates physical and mental growth and development;
  • improves psychomotor development.
  • It helps growth and development, it is a way to maintain physical condition.

Learning to swim

Learning to swim is divided into 3 stages.

Swimming initiation

Whether it is a child or an adult, settling in and learning the basics in the aquatic environment is very delicate. Although we could say that we are a species that loves water, there is in many people that fear of water. It is important that the instructor knows how to adapt to the new environment and the equipment used. It is a slow process that requires a lot of courage, effort and patience. Initiation centers normally accept children from the age of 3-4, as they are easier to work with, and for those under 3, the presence of a guardian is also required.

Initiation into swimming takes about 4-5 weeks, but it also depends on the beginner's attitude, mobility and fitness. After initiation, which mostly means acclimatization to the aquatic environment and learning the basics in this environment, follows the process of learning to swim, perfecting. If, after the initiation period, you can move in the water, then you have successfully completed this stage.

Perfecting swimming

Perfecting swimming is the longer stage, which prepares the person to move in the water according to a certain style.

Crawl is the fastest style, used most often.

Bras is a simpler but slower method than collar.

Perfection involves learning one or more swimming styles over an indefinite period, as it takes a lot of time, patience and depends on each individual.


It is the stage where those who have perfected themselves in the secrets of swimming and read out the whole lifeguard certificate near me , want to practice this sport at a professional level.

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