How to become a lifeguard?

The lifeguard is the expert professional figure in rescue and guarantees the safety of the body of water or the swimming pool entrusted to him. Lifeguards work in a state of constant vigilance, closely monitoring any activity on the beach, in the sea or in the pool. This is only possible thanks to adequate training, which provides the knowledge of first aid and the information necessary for the management of seaside emergencies in any circumstance.

Lifeguards not only deal with rescues in the event of danger, but are reference figures for all people in marine or lake swimming pools and bathing establishments: they must therefore be able to provide information on safety and the behaviors to follow. 

The lifeguard is required by law

In recent years, the number of lidos, swimming pools and beaches in Italy that are looking for and want to hire Bathing Assistants has increased significantly. In fact, United States law protects bathers and imposes the obligatory presence of a lifeguard in all bathing establishments and lidos open to the public.

However, being good swimmers is not enough: a lifeguard must be able to provide assistance to the swimmer in all respects, from the simple request for information to first aid interventions for those in danger of life. Read here more about lifeguard course under the instructions of American lifeguard Association. 

How much does a lifeguard earn?

The lifeguard's salary varies considerably, in particular according to the prestige and size of the lido or private swimming pool where he works. If you want to work abroad as a lifeguard, you should know that in some countries salaries are slightly higher, especially in luxury resorts and tourist villages; however, it will be necessary to validate the patent in the country of destination.

What are the duties of a lifeguard?

The lifeguard takes care of ensuring the safety of the area placed under his professional responsibility. He must carefully monitor any activity on the beach or in the pool, dealing with any emergencies and ensuring the well-being of the swimmers. The Lifeguard Assistant must also provide the people who work in the lido or bathing facility, as well as the bathers, with all the information relating to safety. The lifeguard is a guardian of the law: he must supervise and ensure correct behavior in the water and the protection of the environment. According to the United States Swimming Federation, the functions of a lifeguard are:

  • prevention of accidents in the water thanks to constant supervision and knowledge of rescue and first aid techniques, obtained during training and refresher courses;
  • constant vigilance of the behavior of swimmers in and out of the water;
  • application and compliance with the ordinances of the Port Authority or the regulations of the lido or swimming pool;
  • constant monitoring and verification of the water chemistry in the pool and the general hygienic state of the environment.

The skills acquired in the professional course allow the lifeguard to carry out rescue and first aid operations against asphyxiation and cardiac arrest. The lifeguard must guarantee the safety of the bathers and is liable for his work both civilly and criminally. Precisely for these reasons, in addition to attending theoretical refresher courses, the lifeguard certificate near me must keep himself in excellent physical shape, with constant sports and physical training. 

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