What are the benefits of swimming?

By swimming laps, you activate muscles throughout the body and at the same time stimulate a sense of relaxation. 

Swimming is a very good form of cardio, but unlike running and walking, it is sometimes a little less accessible. After all, you need to find a pool with lifeguard supervision and master a number of swimming strokes for a dynamic (and safe) workout.

Although swimming takes a little more preparation than other types of training, it offers unique benefits that walking and cycling, for example, do not give you.

3 health benefits of swimming

Swimming doesn't give you the same sensory experience as walking, cycling or running, but that doesn't make it any less enjoyable. Swimming even offers some mental and physical benefits over other forms of exercise. Read here more about lifeguard certification under the instructions of American lifeguard Association.

1 . It's a workout for your whole body

Unlike other endurance sports, swimming is a full-body cardio workout. You use your arm muscles (biceps and triceps) to pull your body through the water and the muscles in your shoulders (deltoid muscles) and back  give your strokes extra power and speed. Your core keeps your body streamlined and hydrodynamic, while the muscles in your buttocks and legs are active as you pedal and propel yourself in the water.

While swimming doesn't provide the same strength-training benefits as lifting weights, there are ways to add resistance and strengthen your muscles while swimming. For example, many swimmers use paddles on their hands for added water resistance and to achieve a more powerful and efficient stroke.

2 . Swimming can be meditative

Performing repeated, rhythmic movements underwater is meditative for many people. Some even call it mindful swimming. He further suggests that swimmers should intend to be fully present in the water and then focus on their breathing and stroke technique. He also says that listening to the sounds of swimming and practicing gratitude can provide additional mental health benefits.

According to an article in the National Institutes of Health (NIH) News in Health, mindfulness exercises like these can help people cope with stress , with serious conditions, and reduce feelings of anxiety and depression. People who practice mindfulness also indicate that they are able to relax better, have a greater zest for life and feel more confident in themselves.

3 . It can help reduce body fat

Regular swimming training, in combination with a healthy diet, can help improve body composition (ratio of muscle and fat mass). It is important to note that intense swimming, compared to gentle swimming workouts, generally produces the most benefits of lifeguard certificate near me.

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