Swimming lessons: from when on and what does your child learn?

Swimming lessons teach your child how to manage well in the water. This way you can enjoy a visit to the swimming pool or the beach without any worries. From when can your child take swimming lessons, how much does it cost and what exactly does he learn?

What is swimming lessons?

During swimming lessons, your child learns to swim under the supervision of a lifeguard or lifeguard. First he learns to feel water-free. This means that he feels safe in the water and is not afraid. The teacher helps your child with this by playing games in the water, letting him jump off the side and helping him to go under. Once this goes well, your child is ready to learn different swimming techniques.

Lesson duration and group

A swimming lesson takes an average of 45 to 60 minutes. Usually your child will be taught together with other children. The size of the group differs per swimming pool. Sometimes a group consists of a maximum of eight children. At other pools, fifteen children receive swimming lessons at the same time.

From when on swimming lessons?

It is best for your child to start swimming lessons when he is between 4.5 and 6 years old. This is the advice of the National Swimming Safety Board. This foundation aims to teach everyone in the  how to United States swim well. Read here more about lifeguard recertification under the instructions of American lifeguard Association.

The foundation advises not to start swimming lessons before your child is 4.5 years old. Your toddler is probably not yet sufficiently developed in motor terms to meet the requirements of the A diploma. Moreover, your child starts primary school when he is 4 years old , which is a big change for him. So rather wait with swimming lessons until your little one is used to school.

School swimming

Some children receive swimming lessons through their primary school. About 30% of USA municipalities offer free school swimming. The way in which this is done differs per municipality and per school. Some children can get their diplomas through school swimming. Other children only get a kind of gym class in the swimming pool. Ask your child's school or the municipality how this is arranged for you.

Tips for swimming lessons

The following tips may come in handy when your child starts swimming lessons.

  • Familiarize your child with water from an early age. The sooner your child is anhydrous, the easier he will probably get his diplomas. So it can help to go baby swimming or toddler swimming with your little one.
  • Find a pool that makes you feel good. For example, ask about the way of teaching and whether you can come and watch as a parent. You may also be curious about the group size and the duration of a swimming lesson. Ask other parents about their experiences.
  • Register your child on time. Have you found a swimming pool? Then don't wait too long to register your child. There is often a waiting period of 6 months to 1.5 years.
  • Do not start swimming lessons until your child is ready. Not every child is ready for swimming lessons at the same time. It is possible that your little one will be physically ready a little later. Or that he needs more time to get used to school. Can your child listen well to explanations? And is it strong enough to move forward in the water? Then he's probably ready.
  • Give your child time. Maybe your child is a real water rat and gets one diploma after another. It is also possible that it will be less easy. Then be patient. It is important that your child learns to swim at his own pace, so that he feels safe. It often helps to regularly go swimming with your child outside of swimming lessons.
  • Keep a close eye on your child. Even if your child has passed his Swimming ABC, an accident is in a small corner. So keep an eye on him and don't let him swim alone in water with a strong current. Lifeguard certificate near me

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